Project Hours Sheet (for support packs)
Last updated on:
October 28, 2024
Project Hours spreadsheets are used to keep track of progress on support packs. Such sheets should be created by developers and shared with clients and the admin team. They will further be used as a reference by all parties upon submitting (developers), approving (clients), and checking (admins) the completion of support packs.
There may be two scenarios:
Scenario 1: You need to create a new sheet.
Create a new sheet if you’re working with a new client or a client who’s purchased a support pack for the first time.
Step 1: Creating the document:
Go to your dedicated folder at Google Workspace (ask Ana or Evgeniya for access) → 2. Operations → 3. Development → 2. Customer’s files → scroll down to the Google sheet titled "Project Hours Sheet Template." Copy the file to your dedicated folder in the "2. Customer’s files" folder and update it with the new client’s and project information. Change the number of hours based on the client's purchase, edit the sheet's name, and add the name and email address of the client.
Once the sheet is created, use Help Scout's Edit Profile option to leave a note of the link to the sheet (in case the project is being managed on Help Scout):
Step 2: Link the document to Help Scout:
Go to Help Scout → search → find the client by name or email (or use the ongoing conversation that you have with them) → edit profile → Add Note → and insert the link to the tracking sheet here.

Step 3: Sharing access to the new sheet:
As mentioned above, both the client and Shopexperts admin team need to have access to this sheet. In order to share it, use the following information:
Shopexperts: and → editor’s access
Client: client’s email → viewer’s access
Scenario 2: You can use an existing sheet
Use an existing sheet if the client has already had a project tracking sheet with Shopexperts. To check that, find the client in CarsonDash, and in that workspace you may see the link to the tracking sheet (enter one of the past projects and see merchant’s notes to the right side of the page; see the example below:

To reflect that a new support pack has been purchased, simply add a new entry after the last filled-out row, following the logic of the document:
MINUS amount of minutes
A note that X number of hours have been purchased
-600 for 10h Support Pack
-1500 for 25h Support Pack
-3000 for 50h Support Pack
-4500 for 75h Support Pack

If you don't have access to edit the sheet, request permission directly from the sheet or reach out to Ana.
Every time you finish working on a milestone of the client’s project, reflect the time used and the changes that you’ve implemented in the sheet. The support pack is considered “completed” when the remaining minutes get to 0. If a client refills the pack, you may use the same sheet by updating the amount of minutes accordingly.